
Any-Lamp Discount Code 2024

Active Any-Lamp Discount and Promo Codes valid for 2024

  • All (5)
  • Codes (2)
  • Deals (2)

Enter the voucher code and get 10% Off Outdoor LED Lighting.

  • 371 uses

Enter the voucher code and get 10% Off Sensor Lighting.

  • 96 uses

Purchase and get osram substitube led t9 circulair (em mains) 12w 1320lm - 865 daylight | replaces 22w for ยฃ14.02 at Any-Lamp.

  • 13 uses

Sign up to the newsletter and get special offers on your site.

  • 29 uses

Get Warranty Up to 5 Years for All Products.


    About Any-Lamp

    For over 30 years, Any-Lamp has provided businesses and individual consumers with energy-efficient LED lighting and traditional illumination. Any-Lamp also assist Any-Lamp’s customers in selecting the appropriate lighting. They can do so by contacting Any-Lamp’s lighting experts, or by using Any-Lamp’s helpful product finder, as well as Any-Lamp’s blog and instructional sections.

    Any-Lamp provide additional benefits to corporate customers that aid in the implementation of the proper lighting strategy but do not forget to grab a discount from us here at Love Discount Vouchers to make your online purchase an, even more, amazing experience!

    Here at Love Discount Vouchers, we like to save you money wherever we can. So thatโ€™s why we search and collect all the latest money-saving voucher codes, promotional codes, discount codes and deals for Any-Lamp we can find.

    Love Discount Vouchers are here to help you stretch your money a little bit further. So before you head over to the Any-Lamp website, take a good look at all our money-saving offers to see what you can save.

    Any-Lamp Discount Codes Rating


    Any-Lamp official website
    About Any-Lamp
    How do I use my Any-Lamp Coupon Code?
    Extra things you need to know about using Any-Lamp discount code
    What Payment Methods does Any-Lamp accept?
    Do Any-Lamp Offer A Buy Now Pay Later Option?
    Any-Lamp Money-Saving Hints & Tips
    Reasons to shop at Any-Lamp:
    Any-Lamp's shipping & delivery: what do I need to know?
    Any-Lamp's returns & refunds: what do I need to know?
    Any-Lamp FAQs
    Any-Lamp Pros & Cons
    Any-Lamp's Warranty Process
    Where Does Color Temperature Come From?
    Similar brands like Any-Lamp to shop at:
    Any-Lamp contact details
    Any-Lamp Opening Times
    Any-Lamp Discount Codes
    Any-Lamp International Delivery Information

    Popular Any-Lamp Discount Codes for June 2024

    Verified 10% Off Outdoor LED Lighting at Any-Lamp Code: ********Added: 2nd April 2020Uses: 371
    Verified 10% Off Sensor Lighting at Any-Lamp Code: ********Added: 2nd April 2020Uses: 96
    Sign up to the newsletter and get special offers on your site at Any-Lamp Code: ********Added: 2nd April 2020Uses: 29
    Osram SubstiTUBE LED T9 Circulair (EM Mains) 12W 1320lm - 865 Daylight | Replaces 22W For ยฃ14.02 at Any-Lamp Code: ********Added: 15th February 2023Uses: 13
    Warranty Up to 5 Years for All Products at Any-Lamp Code: ********Added: 2nd April 2020Uses: 8

    Any-Lamp official website

    About Any-Lamp

    Founded in 2009, Any-Lamp is Europe’s biggest online lighting retailer. They believe that growth is only possible when they take responsibility for their planet. The supplier of Philips Lighting (lamps and gear) and their catalogue you can find more than 2,000 products: Halogen lamps, energy-saving lamps, fluorescent tubes, HID lamps, LED lamps, special lamps and all possible gears, and also to its longevity and 100% recyclable materials.

    Any-Lamp’s office is in the vicinity of Eindhoven. This is the city of light, and it is home to world-class enterprises like Noxion and Philips, the lighting manufacturer that helped put Eindhoven on the map. Any-Lamp has grown from 25 to over 200 personnel in just a few years, with operations in the Netherlands, Germany, France, and Taiwan. Any-Lamp has been all about offering you the best which you can be satisfied with as they have and will never compromise when it comes to the quality of the product they have to offer. Any-Lamp has and will always be there to offer you the best for the best possible price. 

    About Any-Lamp Sales

    About Any-Lamp Sales

    How do I use my Any-Lamp Coupon Code?

    If youโ€™re looking for a coupon on your online purchase at Any-Lamp then youโ€™ve come to the right place. All you have to do is follow the steps below to save money on LED Lights, LED Fixtures, Fluorescent Tubes, CFL Bulbs or Gas Discharge Lamps. There is always a sale or discount available at Any-Lamp to be redeemed, and it is our job here at Love Discount Vouchers to provide you with these amazing discount codes.

    Step 1: Choose a coupon code from the ones listed above

    Choose the coupon code from above that youโ€™d like to redeem and it will reveal itself. For example, if youโ€™re looking for 10% off orders at Any-Lamp then find the coupon above, and click on Get Code to reveal the code.

    Step 2: Copy your coupon code

    Simply copy the code that is presented to you. You need this code to inform Any-Lamp to remove part of the cost of your total order.

    Step 3: Click on ‘Go to the Any-Lamp site’


    After you click, you will be directed to Any-Lamp.

    Step 4: Start Shopping!

    Find the item youโ€™d like to purchase at Any-Lamp and add them to your cart.

    Step 5: Make your purchase!

    When you are ready to buy your items, go to the ‘trolley’ in the top right-hand corner. You can now start to make your purchase by clicking on ‘Proceed to Checkout’. You will need to either sign in or create an account.

    Step 6: Enter the code at the Any-Lamp checkout

    Now that you have the code copied, simply paste it into the โ€œDo you have a coupon?โ€ label at the checkout and click the “Apply Discount”. Check out the image provided below for an example in case you have any difficulty. If youโ€™re on a computer or laptop, then you can find the discount code box to the left of the checkout page.

    How do I use my Any-Lamp coupon code?

    However, it is just as easy to find the coupon box you need if you’re on a mobile. It is present on the checkout form.

    Step 7: Enjoy!

    Your discount will be applied and items will arrive in the post in just a few days, happy shopping!

    Always note: There are terms and conditions associated with certain codes which you must comply with (like applying a code after meeting a maximum amount of money spent) and you cannot apply a coupon code after submitting your order.

    Extra things you need to know about using Any-Lamp discount code

    Why is my discount code not working?

    There are several reasons why your code might not be working:

    • The discount code might have expired.
    • You might be applying the discount code to certain items that do not accept discount codes, like sale items.
    • You have already used this same code when shopping before at Any-Lamp.
    • You have not spent the minimum amount of money. Sometimes to apply a discount code, you have to spend a certain amount of money, and that might be the case why the discount code is not working.
    • You have taken the discount code from an international deals site, which probably doesn’t apply to Any-Lamp.

    If you ever find that one of our Any-Lamp codes here at Love Discount Vouchers to be not working, please let us know and we’ll make sure to fix the problem!

    What Payment Methods does Any-Lamp accept?

    • Visa
    • MasterCard
    • American Express
    • PayPal
    • Bank Transfer

    Do Any-Lamp Offer A Buy Now Pay Later Option?

    Based on our research, it appears that Any-Lamp does not offer any buy now, pay later options currently. You can contact Any-Lamp to see if there have been any updates or changes. You can also visit Any-Lampโ€™s homepage to see if they have posted any updated information about buy now, pay later support.

    Any-Lamp Money-Saving Hints & Tips

    Here are some great tips & tricks for extra savings at Any-Lamp:

    • Always visit and check Love Discount Vouchers for the latest money-saving discount codes and deals at Any-Lamp before you finish your purchase.
    • Join the Any-Lamp newsletter to get the best offers, money-saving promotions and exclusive deals sent straight to your inbox.
    • Be sure to check out the sale offers and discount section on the Any-Lamp website for the latest promotions and discount offers.
    • Follow Any-Lamp on social media to stay updated with their new arrivals and offers.
    • Sign up to Love Discount Vouchers newsletter for our latest weekly offers for brands like Any-Lamp and many more.

    Reasons to shop at Any-Lamp:

    • Free shipping
    • Over 5500 high-quality lights and fixtures available
    • Help you save up to 70% on your energy bills
    • Up to a 5-year warranty
    • Secure checkout

    Any-Lamp's shipping & delivery: what do I need to know?

    What is the cost of delivery?

    The shipping cost is computed automatically in your shopping cart and is based on the total purchase value.
    Any-Lamp charge a minor order surcharge of 2,95 โ‚ฌ for orders under 15 โ‚ฌ. (including VAT). This is to cover the costs of processing and handling your order. It also allows Any-Lamp to maintain some product costs as low as possible. Orders over 15 โ‚ฌ are not subject to a fee.

    What are the expected delivery dates?

    If you place your order before 8 p.m. and all of the items are in stock, they will be shipped the same day. Delivery takes about 3 to 6 business days on average. Please keep in mind that Any-Lamp only ship complete orders, which means Any-Lamp wait until all of the items in your purchase are in stock before shipping. Your account allows you to check the projected dispatch and/or delivery date for your order.

    What does my tracking number’s status indicate?

    You will receive an e-mail from Any-Lamp as soon as your cargo has left Any-Lamp’s warehouse, along with a carrier’s track and trace code. You may trace the status of your delivery by clicking on the tracking link in this e-mail. Please keep in mind that updating a status can take a long time. This is because your shipment is not scanned at every depot along the way. Is your package taking longer than normal to arrive, or has the status of your delivery been the same for several days? Please get in touch with the carrier.

    Which delivery service do you use to send your packages?

    DPD is the company Any-Lamp use to ship Any-Lamp’s packages. You will receive a track and trace a link to track your order once it has been sent.

    Any-Lamp's returns & refunds: what do I need to know?

    What is Any-Lamp’s returns policy?

    It is extremely essential to Any-Lamp that you are completely satisfied with all of your Any-lamp purchases. This is not the case, for example, if you received a product from Any-Lamp that was defective or damaged. If you are unhappy with one or more of the items you have purchased, you can easily return them within 14 days of receiving your order. Please use the form below to do so. Simply enter your log-in name and password in the first column to begin a return request. Do you know your login name or password but can’t remember it? It’s no problem! You can also log in by filling out the second column with your order details.

    When it comes to returning items, the following rules apply:

    • All items must be brand new and undamaged.
    • All items must be returned in their original packaging.
    • Any-Lamp will not be able to complete your return request unless all products are listed on the return form.
    • To avoid damage in transit, all products must be returned safely, including with all product stickers and the user manual.
    • Please do not return products to Any-Lamp without the proper return documentation, as Any-Lamp’s warehouse will not handle them. You will receive an email with the return documentation after your return request has been fulfilled.

    Any-Lamp FAQs

    What should I do with my promotion code?

    Simply add any applicable items to your basket and enter the discount into the promotion code box to get a promotion code. The promotion code box can be found in your basket.

    Can Any-Lamp assist me with a promotion code that isn’t working?

    There may be a minimum spend requirement, specific goods may be excluded, or the promotion may not be usable when combined with other offers or discounts.

    What is the payment method?

    Any-Lamp accept payments through all major Credit/Debit Cards and PayPal.

    Where does Any-Lamp ship?

    Any-Lamp ships within the country only.

    Is it possible to remove my account from the system?

    Do you want your account to be deleted? Please contact Any-Lamp’s customer service department through email to confirm this request in writing.

    How do I set up an account with Any-Lamp?

    Create an account by clicking here. The ‘create account’ button will take you to a new page where you can fill out your personal information. You will receive an e-mail confirmation once your account has been properly created.

    What is the process for signing up for the Any-Lamp newsletter?

    You may subscribe to Any-Lamp’s newsletter in a variety of ways. You can subscribe to Any-Lamp’s newsletter by going to this page. Simply enter your e-mail address and press the blue “Subscribe” button. You can also subscribe at the bottom of Any-Lamp’s homepage by entering your e-mail address and clicking the orange ‘submit’ button (see below image).

    What is the procedure for unsubscribing from the newsletter?

    From the email, you can unsubscribe from the newsletter. The “Unsubscribe Newsletter” button is located at the bottom of the email. You may also manage your Newsletter subscriptions under “Newsletter Subscriptions” in your account.

    My account username has been forgotten. What can I do about it?

    Your personal account’s username is the email address you used to create your account/order. You can easily update your email address in your account by going to the ‘account details’ tab and then clicking on ‘change e-mail.’

    What should I do if my address or email address has changed?

    If your mailing address or email address has changed, you must update your account. You can update personal information such as your name, address, and email address under “My account.”

    Any-Lamp Pros & Cons


    • Any-Lamp are committed to finding the best lighting solution for you at the most affordable price.
    • Any-Lamp have a wide range of lighting products, including unique items that you won't find anywhere else.
    • Any-Lamp's wide selection of LED lights and fixtures will help you save money on your utility expenses.
    • Any-Lamp have over 5500 products to select from, including major brands like Philips, Osram, LEDvance, and Noxion.
    • Tier pricing is available for larger orders, and Any-Lamp can even give you with an unique quote.


    • Delivery can be delayed due to unforeseen circumstances.

    Any-Lamp's Warranty Process

    What does the Any-Lamp All-in warranty cover?

    The warranty covers any original flaws or problems in the product, such as concealed and/or technological deficiencies, that happened before delivery. The user is expected to utilise the product following the item’s standard usage and the instructions provided in the installation manual and product descriptions. The following are the guidelines on how you should utilise the products.

    • You must follow the instructions on Any-Lamp’s website, the packaging, and/or the installation manual when using the products.
    • For LED bulbs, the ambient temperature must be between -200 C and +300 C.
    • For LED tubes and other bulbs, the ambient temperature must be between -300 C and +450 C.
    • The humidity in the air must be less than 80%.
    • Around the light bulb and/or fixture, there should be a 10 mm gap.
    • You can turn the product on and off a total of 50.000 times.
    • The voltage must be no more than 10% different from 230V.

    Any-Lamp does not compensate for financial or business losses, such as installation expenses. Only the cost of the product is repaid.

    What should I do if I want to make a warranty claim?

    You have the right to ask for a replacement, repair, or refund if a product is damaged, malfunctioning, or incomplete. You can do so by following the five steps below to submit a refund request to your account.

    • Log in to your account, go to “My Orders,” and look for the order you’re looking for. This is frequently found near the top of the overview.
    • Select ‘View order’ and then ‘Submit a new return request’ from the drop-down menu.
    • Choose the product (s) that the request pertains to and provide the proper number.
    • Select the reason for the return request as well as the appropriate solution.
    • To finish your application, upload a clear photo.

    Is the product I bought covered by a warranty?

    When you purchase an LED product from Any-Lamp, the All-In guarantee is included in the price, so you can rest assured that the light source will function as planned. Any-Lamp ensure that the items Any-Lamp provide meet all legal standards for usage, dependability, and durability. The length of your All-In warranty is determined by the product you choose. Any-Lamp has an All-in warranty that ranges from 1 to 5 years and is listed on each product’s website.

    Where Does Color Temperature Come From?

    The look of light emitted by a light source is described by its colour temperature. On a scale of 1000 to 12000, this is measured in degrees Kelvin (K). The higher the Kelvin number, the whiter the light appears.

    What is the distinction between cool and warm white?

    Warm colours are defined as temperatures ranging from 2000 to 3000 K, which give a nice yellow or orange glow. A โ€œcool whiteโ€ colour temperature (3300-5300 K) on the other hand, will have a pleasant whitish hue. Temperatures exceeding 5300 K are referred described as “daylight,” since the colour tone (blue-white) closely resembles that of natural daylight.

    What is the significance of colour temperature?

    The colour temperature is vital to consider when designing lighting or simply purchasing a new light bulb. The lighting you choose will have an impact on the overall atmosphere and mood. Warm temperatures are advised in homes, restaurants, pubs, and hotels to create a comfortable, intimate, and soothing ambience. Cool temperatures energise people, making them ideal for improving concentration in companies, schools, and warehouses.

    Is it possible to adjust the colour temperature?

    Today’s technological advances in lighting have resulted in the introduction of unique products that allow you to adjust not only the brightness of light but also the colour temperature. With just your fingertips, you can change the environment of your surroundings and your overall mood by switching from a cool to a warmer light. That implies you don’t have to limit yourself to a single colour temperature. Instead, you’ll have the option to choose the colour temperature that best suits your current preference, activity, or mood. Discover Osram Glowdim and Philips Diatone.

    Which colour temperature should you pick?


    Similar brands like Any-Lamp to shop at:

    • LED-Lampenladen โ€“ has concentrated on the sale of LED lamps (LED lamps) and works directly with brand producers such as OSRAM together.
    • Appliances Direct โ€“  one of the largest on-site stockholders of their products, they can turn around orders much faster than many other companies.
    • Lampandlight โ€“ provide indoor and outdoor lighting as well as light bulbs and lighting accessories.

    Any-Lamp contact details

    If you need to get in touch with Any-Lamp about an order, an inquiry, or anything else, there are many ways you can do this.

    DM on Messenger
    You can DM Any-Lamp on Facebook: Any-Lamp Facebook Messenger page, and you’ll be directed to write your inquiry.

    Send an email
    You can send an email to, and they will be happy to help.

    Give Any-Lamp a call at 020 3608 6378, and they will be more than happy to help.

    Unit 1
    Station Court
    Station Lane
    United Kingdom

    Any-Lamp Opening Times

    The opening hours are as follows:
    Monday: 09:00 - 16:30
    Tuesday: 07:30 - 17:00
    Wednesday: 07:30 - 17:00
    Thursday: 07:30 - 17:00
    Friday: 07:30 - 17:00
    Saturday: CLOSED
    Sunday: CLOSED

    Any-Lamp Discount Codes

    Thank you for visiting Love Discount Vouchers on your hunt for Any-Lamp discount codes and other money-saving offers. We hope that one of our 5 Any-Lamp discount codes and offers for June 2024 help you save money on your next purchase.

    When you visit Love Discount Vouchers you can rest assured that our team has searched high and low to find all available Any-Lamp promo codes. This includes checking the Any-Lamp social accounts like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, visiting blogs and forums related to Any-Lamp, and even checking other top deal sites for the latest Any-Lamp discount codes.

    When shopping online for Any-Lamp, it is a good idea to always visit us here at Love Discount Vouchers before you finish your order. The Love Discount Vouchers team save our visitors thousands of pounds every month, many of which never knew Any-Lamp discount codes were available until visiting our site. Now that you know how easy it is to save at Any-Lamp with our promo and discount codes, bookmark Love Discount Vouchers and always check us out before you checkout.

    If you are looking for more than just Any-Lamp discount codes, here at Love Discount Vouchers we provide coupons and discounts for thousands of other popular brands and retailers. Check out our Any-Lamp related stores, or visit our homepage to search our database of thousands of discounts.

    Any-Lamp International Delivery Information

    Our discount savvy team have identified that Any-Lamp deliver their products to United Kingdom.

    The Best Any-Lamp Discount Codes, Promo Codes, Voucher Codes, Offers & Deals can only be found here at Love Discount Vouchers

    Disclaimer: Love Discount Vouchers is a platform for deals, discounts, and vouchers. By using our links, you might save on your purchases. Please be aware that when you use our links and subsequently make a purchase, we may receive a commission.